Fairtrade is an independent product label that creates the conditions for growers and employees to improve their working and living conditions, so every time you choose Fairtrade, you contribute to making it better for people in the world. Read more at:
KRAV is Sweden's best-known environmental label for food, built on an ecological basis with particularly high requirements for animal care, health, social responsibility and climate impact. Read more at:
Soil Association was founded in 1946, and in 1967 developed the world's first organic certification system, by a group of farmers, scientists and nutritionists who observed a direct relationship between agricultural practices and plant, animal, human and environmental health. Read more at:
Svenska Celiakiförbundetlicenses out the symbol Överkorsade axet to the producers who meet specially set requirements for gluten-free production. The symbol is international and can be used on the gluten-free foods that are produced according to our special requirements. Read more at:
If you see the EU leaf on a package, you can be sure that what you eat or drink is really organic. In order to use the EU ecolabel, manufacturers must also label the product with the control body's code number and the name of the producer or distributor who last handled the product. Read more at:
Organic Crop Improve Association (OCIA) International is one of the world's oldest, largest and most trusted leaders in the organic certification industry. As a non-profit, member-owned, agricultural organization, OCIA is dedicated to offering the highest quality organic certification services and access to global organic markets. Learn more at:
The Organic foods productions act (OFPA) and the National organic program (NOP) assure consumers that the organic agricultural products they buy are produced, processed and certified consistently against national standards. NOP's requirements for the labeling material apply to raw materials, fresh products and processed products that contain organic agricultural ingredients. Agricultural products sold labeled or represented as organic must be produced and processed in accordance with NOP standards. Read more at:
Organic Farmers & Growers is one of the UK's leading organic control bodies. We constantly strive to be practical in our approach to the industry. At the same time, protect the integrity of the ecological standards that are central to our work. We work both with farmers and other organic companies, such as food companies, feed factories, retailers, cafes, storage facilities, transport and more. Read more at:
France's national logo for organic products since 1985. Organic products bearing the logo must contain more than 95 percent organic components, and be produced or processed within the EU. Read more at:
BCS ÖKO – GARANTIE GMBH is a private control authority, since May 11, 1992, which is tasked with implementing the EU regulation on organic production. BCS is one of the first control bodies in Germany and has extensive experience and personal commitment in all aspects of organic production having a reliable basis. Read more at: